Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog Post #2

picture of question marks

Did you know

In the Strange version of  "Did You Know?", I realized that the numbers and facts were compared to the students in previous EDM310 classes and high school students, such as cell phones and computers. I found the information about the other countries and how their education compares to the United States. The value of an education has grown and diminished at the same time. The growing economics in America basically demands that employees must have at least bachelors to make a decent living, only a few put an effort to achieve a college education. The successes having a college degree gets traded for joining the work force.

Mr. Winkle

This video is a great example of how the world changes suddenly. Mr. Winkle wakes after a hundred years and finds that technology has taken over.  He finds that people can now talk to and see one another over the computer. He visits the hospital to see a machine that takes x-rays. The point is the world in constantly changing and not many things will stay the same. Mr. Winkle would soon discover, some things do not always change. Education is one aspect of the world that still have many similarities as one hundred years ago. Most classrooms today still rely on the teacher-student learning setting. These classrooms require long lectures with notes being taken on paper and boredom from listening to a teacher talk on an on. I do not think any classrooms will continue to teach this way for long. I feel that the way education is being taught in classrooms have come up a little in technology but it is not yet on the same page as the world outside of the classrooms.

The Importance of Creativity

This presentation was very interesting it stated about the killing of creativeness of our children in schools. There is so much a child can offer if given the chance. Mr. Robinson also stated that kids need to focus more on important subjects such as Math, English, and Science. This may be true for some students however; some students are not gifted in those subjects.  Art should not be at the bottom, some kids are very creative in Art. The required subjects such as Math, and etc. are great to have however; some students will not be using the skills of Math in their profession. Kids are unique individuals with his/her own creativeness, let them explore their creativeness. Mr. Robinson also stated that we grow out of creativity rather than into it, which I think is not true because some kids are late bloomers when it comes to creativity.

A vision for 21st century learning

The style of education is prehistoric compared to the world around it. The American education system has made strides as but it has not been cultivated. People always say children are the future but no one acts like it. It is important that during the elementary years of education that the educators of America engage the children to show them that learning can be fun and interactive and entertaining. I never had a problem through elementary school I always made the honor roll. School was still very boring to me. I approached it like a job. I went a got my grades and moved on i never really felt engaged or interacted with to make the information come alive to me. So as a future educator I will present my information to my students so they can feel involved in school and not feel like they are punching a time clock.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts

Ms. Vicki Davis has a wonderful idea for her classroom. Ms. Davis class is in Camilla, Georgia with no technology in this town. However; She had an idea of bringing technology to the classroom by introducing the kids can communicate with kids in other countries. The kids really liked this new idea, they were eager to learn about this new technology. Some of the technology which was introduce to the class was cell phones and the webcam.


  1. Jonathan,

    You have written an interesting blog post and I enjoyed reading it! However, you need to be sure to add Alt and Title modifiers to every image you use. You also need to put clickable links in your blog post that a reader can click on if they want to read or watch what you are talking about. Finally, you need to add a "Contact Me" and RSS Feed for the EDM 310 Class Blog gadget to your sidebar. I am not trying to overwhelm you, just letting you know what needs to be done. If you have any problems, you can come by the lab and we will help you out!


  2. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I see that we observed some of the same things watching the videos and today's educational standings. I look forward to reading more.
